Camp Woodland Blog
Reunion “Rap”
We’re Excited for 1-5!
As you can see, we had a FABULOUS turn out for the annual Chicago reunion the weekend before Thanksgiving! In a series of blogs in the upcoming weeks, we will give you an update about the Woodland girls who joined us for the afternoon to watch the 2014 camp video, flip through the new scrapbook, relive camp memories, and of course, to eat yummy treats. Irene was the winner of the “how many more days until camp?” contest (she answered correctly that it was 216 on the nose that day) while Aranxta took the prize for traveling the longest distance to get to the reunion since she came all the way from Mexico!
Molly A, Eden, Sam, and Molly J
The 2015 CIT’s had their first “duty” at the reunion; they helped us interview everyone to find out 1) what is the favorite thing about school this year, 2) what activities campers do when they are not in school, 3) any fun trips taken or planned, and 4) what each camper is looking forward to next summer.
Molly A: 1) new teachers, 2) gymnastics, dance, and lacrosse, 3) Pennsylvania for Winter Break and Florida for Spring Break, 4) doing all activities
Eden: 1) new teachers, 2), tennis and soccer, 3) London, 4) getting 5 year pendant!
Sam: 1) my friends, 2) soccer and horseback riding, 3) Denmark, 4) seeing all of my camp friends again
Molly J: 1) Mrs. Reggie is my favorite teacher, 2) horseback riding and soccer, 3) went to California, 4) seeing all of my friends again
Kelly: Kelly’s big news is that she has a new puppy, Sadie!
Cayley: 1) my friends because they are always there for me, 2) volleyball team and singing for fun, 3) came to Chicago from Florida for reunion, 4) seeing all of my friends
Abbey: 1) singing “Feliz Navidad” with the choir, 2) making music videos, 3) Florida for Thanksgiving, 4) seeing everybody again
Susie and Claire
Susie: 1) really likes her teachers this year, 2) field hockey and boxing, 3) went to New York to see her brother, 4) seeing everybody again
Claire: 1) likes new teachers, 2) made new volleyball team, 3) travel to cousin’s house, 4) CAMP!
Stay tuned for more Reunion “Rap” in the next blog post…