Meet Our Directors

jordan-familyMr. and Mrs. John M. Jordan Jr, experienced parents and educators from the Chicago area, acquired Camp Woodland for Girls in 1970.  They believed that, “play is the work of children” and “our goal as parents is to build a secure inner structure that will allow our children to live without us”.   These philosophies among others drove the development of an active girls camp program similar to their existing boys camp program, Towering Pines, founded in 1945.

The continuity of Jordan family leadership is an important feature in the camp‘s reputation for excellence. They are committed educators and dedicated to making every summer special for each camper.

Meet the third & fourth generation of Jordan family owners and their amazing Directors:

JoAnne-Jordan-TrimpeJoAnne Jordan Trimpe – Owner and Executive Director

JoAnne was 13 year old when her parents bought Camp Woodland.  As a counselor teaching sailing, swimming, water skiing, horseback riding and musical theatre, she took on management responsibilities through the years.  JoAnne puts energy into everything she does at camp.  You can hear her “I can” and “alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic” mantras being echoed from place to place as counselors and campers alike follow her example and are excited to be teaching and learning together.   JoAnne enjoys reading stories at campfire, visiting campers during activities and cabin times, directing the Co-Ed Show and being the counselor’s counselor!  She maintains First Aid & CPR certifications and holds a BS in Business Management.  JoAnne’s husband, Kevin, is an integral part of camp with their grown son, Jack.

susan-jordanSusan Jordan – Owner and Assistant Director

Susan has been at camp along with JoAnne since the Jordan’s acquired the existing camp in 1970.   She is an experienced food service manager and manages the Camp Woodland & Towering Pines Kitchens.  Susan has a BS in Art, holds current Water Safety Instructor (WSI) and Lifeguard certifications from the American Red Cross and oversees the waterfront.  You can find her most afternoons driving the ski boat and teaching girls to water ski, kneeboard, or to just have fun while cruising around Sand Lake on the Big Banana.  Each summer Susan is joined by several of her five adult children who contribute their talents at both Woodland and Towering Pines.

lee-biearLee Albrecht Biear – Communications Director/ Alumni Coordinator

Lee started working at Camp Woodland when she was just 17 years old.  She continued working every summer at camp until received her Masters in Public Health.  Lee values her success as a Public Health expert because of experiences gained at camp. After an almost 10 year hiatus, Lee now works on camp activities all year-round, while raising her three children.


Kim-Wenzl-AycockKim Wenzl Aycock – “All Things Camp” Consultant

Kim is a Woodland alum and spent her first summer with us in 1986 per a guidance counselor’s recommendation “to do something that would help her be a better teacher”.  Kim was “hooked” on camp after that first year, and spent 12 consecutive summers in roles ranging from a cabin counselor to and later becoming Program/Assistant Director.  Kim went on to receive her Master’s Degree in Math Education from the University of Chicago and has taught at the middle/high school and college levels.

Kim took advantage of a growth opportunity in a different part of the country and spent 8 years as the Associate Director at a large girls camp in the mountains of North Carolina. In 2006, Kim started her own consulting business and has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of camps representing a variety of sizes, populations and affiliations. She also presents professionally at national/regional camp conferences and trains camp staff at all levels worldwide. In addition, Kim is an active volunteer with the American Camp Association.

Kim made her way back to Woodland in 2011 and spends a month at camp in the summer and lends a hand with various aspects of camp planning during the winter months. Kim lives on the coast of North Carolina with her husband and 2 dogs.

calla-dellingerCalla Dellinger Craze – Program Director

Calla is proud to be a part of the Jordan family’s fourth generation of educators and has attended Camp Woodland since she was six years old. She brings a variety of skills to the program as the waterfront and CIT program director along with planning special events and evening activities. She is also a certified lifeguard with CPR and First Aid training. During her seven years as a counselor, Calla has enjoyed growing as the Waterfront Director and Horseback Riding instructor, which inspired her to become a professional educator. She currently teaches middle school science and math.



Camp is my kids favorite place. The Jordan family has created a place where my children experience genuine happiness in their life.

– Camp Parent