Monthly Archives:February 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day from Sunnyside!

Best Moments from Sunnyside:

What is one moment at camp you will never forget?

Tori: Spending time with my cabin mates and making new friends.

Isa: Driving down the Woodland road; it meant that I was where I wanted to be.

Jacquelyn: My canoe trip across the lake.

Ana Elisa: When I got to camp, I felt lost at first, but I was also happy and excited because I knew that I was in a place where I was going to have the BEST experience.

Molly: Driving down the Woodland road for the first time, seeing the cabins and tennis courts, and everything being so exciting.

Aubrie: That one moment when you think to yourself, “This is why I came to camp!”  That one moment when you are having the time of your life and you know you are in the right place.

Lucy: All of my amazing new friends and their diverse opinions and personalities.

Katie: The moment I drove down the Woodland road and they sung to me, and I was looking around at everything I could see.

Viv: How fun camp is and all the good friends I met.

What is something adventurous you did this summer?

Tori: Go on the canoe trip across the lake.

Isa: The first time I went across the lake.  It was very fun, and I got to be with my cabin.

Jacquelyn: I went to the bog and caught 3 frogs.

Ana Elisa: Water-skiing — it was super awesome!  At first I fell, and I tried again, and then I was able to do it!  That taught me that you can do anything if you don’t give up.

Molly: I tried dance, which I’ve never done before.  I used to be really scared to perform on stage.

Aubrie: When we had to canoe across the lake for our canoe trip.  I got to stern while it was super windy; it is much harder with the wind.

Lucy: I got a real gun!

Katie: I tried kneeboarding for the first time and I fell four times, but I liked it.

Viv: Water-skied again and rode English for the first time.

Describe an achievement for which you are most proud:

Tori: Staying 6 weeks even though I was a bit homesick.

Isa: I’m proud of passing levels (I like it because you are more advanced), skiing (for the first time), and making new friends.

Jacquelyn: I tried dancing twice.  I love dancing to the beat of the music – it is so much fun!

Ana Elisa: I felt super happy that I was feeling a new experience that was real and that I was able to try new things. It was awesome!

Molly: Passing Level 4 in swimming, which I was in for two and half summers.  Finally!

Aubrie: Being able to canter at horse show; I am very proud of this because last year I could barely even trot!

Lucy: I am extremely proud of beating my father in riflery!

Katie: I shot a bullseye in Archery.

Viv: I passed my first level in tennis!

What did you learn most about yourself?

Tori: Not to let little things get in your way.

Isa: I learned that if I can’t do something, I will keep trying till I get it.

Jacquelyn: Giving up is the wrong answer.

Ana Elisa: I always need someone by my side and that I need support which I had because everyone makes you feel at home at Camp Woodland.  And, I can do anything if I try!

Molly: I’m able to do anything if I put my mind to it.

Aubrie: If I think I can do it, then I will be able to.  I will be more positive will try harder which will give me a better chance at achieving my goal.

Lucy: I enjoy meeting new people!

Katie: I can be myself and it is pretty nice.

Viv: I am good at archery and riding.