Category: Get Ready for Camp!
The 7th Summer THRIVE!!
The temperature’s gradually increasing, the trees are blooming and the refreshing smell of pine fills the air. You know what that means, summer is just around the bend! Camp Woodland awaits the campers to come experience the glorious days filled with activities and wonderful food!
Although I was very anxious about the experience my first summer in 2009 (I will never forget the day my mom and grandpa dropped me off), I thrived! Over the past several years I have personally grown and learned so much while at camp. This will be my 7th summer at Camp Woodland and I wouldn’t want to spend my summers anywhere else or in any other way. The day the campers leave at the end of the summer is the day I begin counting down until they arrive for the next summer.
There are so many different activities that you may never get a chance to try at home. If you’ve always been more of a waterfront person, there’s always an opportunity to experience and thrive with some land sport activities! That is what is so great about getting to change your schedule every 2 weeks, because you’re able to try various activities throughout the summer.
You’re sent out on your own with a group of about 8 other girls to live in a cabin (under counselor supervision, of course!), learn from each other, and grow together. The girls come from all over the country and world, giving them the wonderful opportunity to explore different cultures and learn new things. It’s amazing what knowledge and experiences other people can bring to the table; there’s so much to learn!
Over the years, I’ve realized camp is the best place to be yourself, somewhere where you are not being judged. I learned you should always express your true self, because you are the only “you” there is in this world and you have a lot to offer!
The summer awaits for levels to be passed, unbreakable bonds to be formed, experiences to be shared and memories to be made. I am ready to thrive in the summer of 1-5 and enjoy being myself, are you?
Authored by: Raquel R.
High School Graduate Class of 2015
It’s Not Easy Being Green
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Hilltop 2014!
During the month of March, I often think of Kermit the Frog and the song, “It’s Not Easy Being Green”. While Kermit is referring to the color green in his song, I am reminded of a state of being. When you are “green” at something, it often means that you are new. There are many times in life that we are put in a new situation, whether it be changing schools, joining a sports team or club, moving to a different location, starting a new job, switching careers, etc.
Coming to camp for the first time may bring about feelings of being green. Being new can seem scary or challenging at first. You may be wondering if you will fit in, if the other campers will like you, if the food tastes like what you eat at home, if your bed will be comfortable, and a long list of other thoughts that may be crossing your mind in the days and months leading up to your first sleep-away camp experience.
First of all, you should know that at Camp Woodland, we LOVE having new campers join us each summer! It is fun to welcome girls from new places that will contribute to the diverse culture of geographic locations that are represented each year. This will add to a growing list of connections that you will make by having friends from all around the world. New campers bring a fresh perspective and energy that is important to the life of camp – we THRIVE because you are a VITAL part of our camp family!
To help you feel comfortable in your new summer home, we have several things in place to make it easy for you to get in the groove of camp. First off, your counselors will greet you with a BIG smile and lend a hand with moving in and settling into your cabin. They will explain the routines of a typical day and will be ready to answer any questions you may have. After that, you will get to play a ton of FUN games that will assist you with learning the names of the other girls in your cabin and around camp. Because we are a smaller camp, it is truly a place “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” in a very short amount of time!
Before selecting your activities for the first session, you will have the opportunity to take a tour and see where each takes place, meet the staff, and find out all of the cool stuff you will get to do. Evenings will offer an opportunity to do a cabin activity, be part of our weekly campfire, or choose a different activity based on a weekly theme. You will be a pro in no time! Dan will serve some awesome meals that will provide comfort as you spend your first few days at camp. Don’t be surprised if you ask your Mom when you return home to cook a recipe that is something new you tried at camp!
New can also be exciting! You will be embarking on an adventure that may be different from what your friends may choose to do this summer. Even veteran campers experience a taste of “being green” each summer. They may be in a different cabin with a new mix of campers from the year before or they may decide to try a new activity or challenge themselves in an old one. The great thing is that we are there to support each camper every step of the way. So, maybe it really IS easy being green after all at Camp Woodland! Come see for yourself and join us for summer 2015…we can’t wait to meet you!
We would like to invite you to learn more about the Camp Woodland Advantage at our Spring Sing Around the “Campfire” Night:
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Drop in anytime from 4-7 pm
The Buzz Café
905 S. Lombard Ave
Oak Park, IL
Please RSVP to:
(cookout style dinner: burgers, hot dogs, fruit, chips, and a yummy s’mores dessert!)
Up-cycling At Camp Woodland!
This summer we are daring to explore by trying some “greener” projects in arts & crafts, zoo, and during evening activity! Everyone has heard of recycling, but have you heard of up-cycling? It is the idea of reusing something that is already used or has lost its value and to create something new with greater quality and value!
Now here is where you come in: in order to do all the projects and provide the materials for all of our campers, we need you to help by donating any of the items listed below! Some of the items may be things you frequently throw in the trash, and others may be sitting in your storage closet for some project you will do “one day” – any little bit helps!
- Colored (or clear!) glass bottles
- Old vases
- Newspapers
- Old magazines – from glamour magazines, to niche market floral or travel magazines, anything will do!
- Colorful old t-shirts – to make infinity scarves or t-shirt bags
- Retired scrapbooking equipment – like paper cutters, shape cutters (hearts or circles), stencils, and any extra scrapbook paper!
- Milk and juice twist tops – also from plastic water bottles and other beverages, any color and any size will do!
- Wine corks – to make super cool cork boards and jewelry hanging boards!
- Buttons – we can use any shape, size, or color.
- Old Atlases or Map books
- Ribbons
- Soda tabs
- Empty Shoe Boxes
If there are any other materials laying around your house that you haven’t used in a while, but can visualize it being useful for a project, then feel free to let us know and I’m sure we could create something with it – we are a very crafty bunch over here at Camp Woodland! Open up a big bag now and put it in your kitchen, your garage, or even next to your front door and see how much you can fill it up before leaving for camp! Thanks in advance for all your donations and recycled materials!
Packing Tip #3 – Favorite Things to pack by Suzanne!
Our veteran counselor, Suzanne, gave us her secret packing list of her favorite things. Read, enjoy, and be inspired to pack a few wacky items to get into the camp spirit:
My Camp Woodland Packing List Favorites:
1. Flashlight- reading a bit after lights out is impossible without one
2. Water Bottle- being hydrated has its benefits (ps. we are selling Woodland Water Bottles this summer)
3. Towels, many- I spend most of my time at the waterfront sailing, so towels are an absolute necessity! I fall in the water at least a few times a week… And I need a couple reserved for shower times.
4. Shoes
a. I need my water/boat shoes. Safe sailing.
b. Flip Flops for showering
c. Flip Flops for everywhere else
d. Athletic type shoe so I can easily participate in evening activities and whatever else I am running from, typically the chickens at Farm Zoo.
e. Barn Boots since I never quite know exactly what I will doing all summer (plus, I can cling to the hope that I may work in the barn a bit)
f. Rain Boots- Moist socks do not sound appealing to me. I rather protect my feet by surrounding them in a 1/16’’ rubber shield.
5. Hair Ties!
6. Deodorant- when living with 10-13 other people, personal hygiene is a necessity.
7. Sunscreen because it is summertime and the rays get intense
8. Clothes from every color of the rainbow- borrowing clothes is great, but I personally like to have my own arsenal. Plus, I am a bigger girl, so I can lend to everyone (might as well have some stock to choose from).
a. Camper Councils
b. Dance/Drama/Gymnastic Shows
c. Olympics
d. Sunday Games
9. Nail Polish- summertime is the time my nails are polished
10. Rain Gear- When that Woodland Dew comes barring down it is a wonderful feeling to know that you will not be soaked to the bone. I like having both a rain coat and rain booties (as mentioned above).
11. Warm Stuff- I usually underestimate how cold it is going to get at camp. Reality is probably high 60’s but after days of 80 it seems chilly. A nice comfy sweater and comforter are my go to items.
12. My Ultimate Favorite Thing to bring to camp is my wacky wardrobe. I can bring all of the major fashion faux-pas that hang in my closet at home to camp. Camp offers so many opportunities for dress up, and at camp I am not chastised for my, what some would call “eccentric”, style. Camp it a great place to be you.
13. Deck of Cards=Endless Entertainment ( plus, it is quiet enough to get away with during rest hour, on occasion)
14. “Woodland-ware” because winning Best Dressed and going to Fair Days are hard to do without it.
There are more things that I do bring, but a few have been outlined above. The thing is… how do you make a concise list of your favorite things to bring to camp when you have a long list of things you really, really like to bring to camp? Difficult to do is what I think.
Can’t wait to see you this weekend!!!
Packing Tip #2 – Horseback Riding Gear
Horseback riding is one of our campers’ favorite summer activities. Our counselors provide instruction to children of all abilities (novice to advanced) and we provide riding helmets and crops for all participants. All your camper needs is two pairs of jeans and one set of closed-toe boots with a heel (stored at the stable for convenience). If your daughter is a veteran rider and prefers to use her own gear, feel free to bring it to camp. After some well spent time in the saddle, your child will have the opportunity to demonstrate her improved horse riding skills in the Woodland Olympic games and summer horseback riding show!
Check out one of our newest videos about our horseback riding program!